“What are the benefits of Orgone energy?”

Some People may ask, “What are the benefits of Orgone energy?”

Protection against harmful electromagnetic radiation (AKA EMF EMR and EMP)
-Balances and enhances the biophysical energy field                                                       -Improves blood sirculation
-Promotes mental clarity focus and concentration
-Creates a calmer home and work environment Transmutes negative energy / assists   you in keeping a positive, clear thought process
-Centres and Balances your own natural energy
-Helps Control mood swings                                                                                              -Re-aligns chakras Promotes a sense of balance and centeredness
-Promotes feelings of love, joy, peace and happiness
-Helps you become relaxed, harmonious, peaceful and calm
-Neutralises disharmonious or negative energies
-Clears negative energies of cosmic origin
-Turns negative energy into positive energy
-Purifies the atmosphere
-Detoxifies water Expands consciousness and awareness
-Enhances your awareness
-psychic ability & increases spiritual growth
-Rapid revitalisation of the organism
-Diminishes fatigue and tiredness
-Enhances physical strength and stamina
-Improves sleep
-Retards aging
-Acts as a 24/7 passive psychic shield
-Stimulates the third eye chakra improving intuition and creativity
-Assists connection to the divine source
-Empowers meditation and prayer
-Facilitates ascension
-Use as a pendulum in chakra and aura balancing
-Use as a transmitter pendulum in distant healing
-Use as a tuning pendulum in radionics
-Use as a pendulum for radiesthesia and dowsing
-Helps plants to grow better repels pests, and requires less water
-Helps improve psychic sensability, and the list goes on and on

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