About ORGasmic Energy

A place from which, “We The People”, can begin to heal the planet from the toxic coctails, extra low frequencies/ELF, and electromagnetic radiation/EMR emitted by certain aircraft, vehicles, cell towers, (Especially those installed on our children schools), also appliances, home electronics, chemicals that may be present in water, and radiation below and above ground. ORGasmic Energy specializes in Orgone Generators, so that the average person can take part in reversing the damage now being perpetuated upon us daily. How many times did you start your morning off Looking up to a deep blue sky only to notice at noon that a gray haze and a literal grid of toxic gas consisting of barium aluminum and other chemicals are being sprayed over wide areas by unidentified air craft. Well, you don’t have to take it anymore. Be a part of the change and begin gifting and tell a friend to place a Chem/Cloud Buster in their yard. These devices have been proven to remove unwanted affects and protect from the unseen dangers of radiation, microwave, EMCs and ELFs.

“What are the benefits of Orgone energy?”

Some People may ask, “What are the benefits of Orgone energy?”

Protection against harmful electromagnetic radiation (AKA EMF EMR and EMP)
-Balances and enhances the biophysical energy field                                                       -Improves blood sirculation
-Promotes mental clarity focus and concentration
-Creates a calmer home and work environment Transmutes negative energy / assists   you in keeping a positive, clear thought process
-Centres and Balances your own natural energy
-Helps Control mood swings                                                                                              -Re-aligns chakras Promotes a sense of balance and centeredness
-Promotes feelings of love, joy, peace and happiness
-Helps you become relaxed, harmonious, peaceful and calm
-Neutralises disharmonious or negative energies
-Clears negative energies of cosmic origin
-Turns negative energy into positive energy
-Purifies the atmosphere
-Detoxifies water Expands consciousness and awareness
-Enhances your awareness
-psychic ability & increases spiritual growth
-Rapid revitalisation of the organism
-Diminishes fatigue and tiredness
-Enhances physical strength and stamina
-Improves sleep
-Retards aging
-Acts as a 24/7 passive psychic shield
-Stimulates the third eye chakra improving intuition and creativity
-Assists connection to the divine source
-Empowers meditation and prayer
-Facilitates ascension
-Use as a pendulum in chakra and aura balancing
-Use as a transmitter pendulum in distant healing
-Use as a tuning pendulum in radionics
-Use as a pendulum for radiesthesia and dowsing
-Helps plants to grow better repels pests, and requires less water
-Helps improve psychic sensability, and the list goes on and on